- Apartments
- Methamphetamine Cook Facilities
- Condominiums
- Houses
- Government Housing
- Manufactured Homes
- Automobiles
- Buses
- Farming Equipment
- Heavy Equipment
- Jet Skis
- Motor Homes
- Semi trucks
- Trucks
- Boats/Vessels
We know how to handle high dollar cases, such as a case where 367 businesses lost all their merchandise from a fire. (This image was from the case)
We were retained first, thereby having the ability and capabilities to control the fire scene investigation, specifically not letting spoliation of evidence occur. In addition, we have extensive experience in consulting with clients on cases where previous investigations have been conducted and where there was spoliation of evidence.
If you have the need for an Origin and Cause investigation of a fire and/or explosion, of a commercial or residential structure, or vehicle:
Call Fire/Reconstruction Consultants, Inc., to discuss your potential case today.